Linn Kolector or Wokonda preamp?

It has been a while since I had a Linn system. I want to gradualy move back as budget allows me to.

I am looking for a Linn preamp to use with my Pass Labs Aleph 30 amp that I will eventually change out.

Can you recommend which Linn preamp sounds better. Or should I consider a more current Linn preamp. Absolutely nothing too expensive.

Showing 3 responses by mjcmt

Thanks everyone!

I suspected that. I think I would like the Wokanda with the tuner. But I will keep my eye out for a Karin if one shows up at a reasonable price.

I'm anxious to here how it sounds with my Pass Labs Aleph 30 (class A, 30w/ch) until I get another Klout. The Klout is my favorite power amp to date, but I hear the new amps are better.

I used the Klout with the preamp section of my Majik int. amp for a while until I moved away from Linn. I believe the preamp section is similar to the Wokanda pre. I used it with a Karik III. Should have never got out of Linn. Beautiful to look at and listen to.

Again thanks. Feel free to journey on in this forum about Linn gear.

Anyone have experience with the 5103 pre?
Thanx Newmanoc for the valuable insite as you progress up the Linn food chain.
I have heard good things of the 5103 and 2250. I heard the 2250 is better than the Klout)
This would be the one to get if I can afford it.
Would love to get the newer Linn...will have to see how funds go. I will get the best I can afford.

Thanx for the info everyone.

Incidentally, is the 5103 preamp still worth considering or is it out classed by a Chakra amp?