Linn Ninkas aktiv vs. not?

Would like to hear a few comments on whether the aktiv option is really that much better. Could the money be spent better? They sound alright now with a single LK-85 and I imagine the bass goes deeper but what else? Can't do the a-b test where I am so I'd like to hear through others' ears. I keep hearing about crossover inefficiency and heat etc. but that was from the seller.... so..?
I have owned a few Linn speakers (AV-5140, Keltiks, Nexus & Keilidh) going aktive, except for the Keltiks that are aktive only, will be a great improvement. The bass output will extend another octave, details in the music will sharpen and the system will gain available power to drive the speakers. The crossover use about 30% of the power to drive them. But you must listen it yourself. Go to your Linn
dealer and ask for a demo, one channel aktive and the other
passive, easily done with the Ninkas plates. You will be surprised. As far as I know only Linn and Meridian offer such systems. Hector
Thanks for all the replies. I guess I'll start looking around for the amp and cards.
Dear Stuart,
I have a couple LK-140's in AKTIV mode. All I can say is "GO AVTIV". The sound is detailed, clean, and smooth. I went from one to two amps...and then on to getting AKTIV. I too, was on the fence some about it until last spring. I got to meet a LINN engineer who worked on the KLOUT. I asked him if I should get a KLOUT or just go aktiv. He said go akitv and you will really be impressed. I did, and I am....Hope this helps you some. I would stick with their cables and interconnects also...I made the "rounds" and went back to them.
From reading Flightmight's reply I'm wondering if anyone knows how to bi-amp bfore the aktiv stage. Is it daisy chained or do you need two separate IC outputs from the pre-amp? If the former then the speaker wires out of the second amp, I guess. A bit of a newbie here with only A'gon input as I don't know anyone around into the "hobby". The second amp is on the way so I'll be back to tell my experience. Thanks all for helping with the decision.

I currently own a Linn system with ikemi, 5103, 5125 and active Ninka.
It is clear that Ninka are much better in active.
I found almost the same improvement whan changing my Kairn to 5103.

I have today 2 options for further upgrade :
- stay Linn : Espek with 2250 on treble and 5125 on medium/bass. Works very well. I tested the intermediate position with Ninka, 2250 on treble and 5125 on medium/bass. The improve is also huge (bass quality, dynamique, air).

- open : I look at Audio Research amps with other speakers. I could not confirm yet that it is a better idea that the previous (for a comparable budget)
