Lions and Tigers and Bears..Oh MY............or...

Pre-amps and Turntables and arms.....OH MY!!!!!! Pardon the excitment but I wanted to get your attention.

After the new year I may be in a position to upgrade my system if need be.

As you can see below my system is listed.
I am very happy with my speakers (the Infinity RS 1-B's) and if I wanted to upgrade to a better speaker today, then I believe I would need to go in the 20-30K range. Besides, as I said, my speakers satisfy me immensely!
Where I might want to upgrade is at the analog/Pre-amp department. I am quite happy with my Rhea phono section and unless someone says that I am crazy and should sell it for a Manley Steelhead or Lamm LP2 or other, I'm staying put. With that said, here are my two choices: upgrade my ARC LS25 MK1 to an Aesthetix Calypso pre amp OR upgrade my analog turntable/arm/etc.??
My choice is easy for the pre-amp upgrade but much more difficult for the table/arm. Here's current turntable is a VPI Aries mk1 with 10.5 arm. I know the company and I am very happy with their service and support. I could go with a VPI HR-X with a 12.5 (6??) and use my SDS (which I already have) and save some bucks. I also like the idea of VTA on the fly. It's easy with the 10.5 and 12.5. I also love the ability to switch arm wands instantly!! Now the drawbacks....recently and in these pages as well there is not a great deal of high regard for the HR-X and especially the 10.5/12.5 arm. So my thoughts are flirting with an SME 20/2, Basis (not sure which one) Teres (260???) , Simon Yorke(????) or Brinkman. Here are the drawbacks. All are more expensive, except the Teres which I understand is a do it yourself table and you are looking at the worlds biggest non-techo person around!!!! I am all thumbs!!!
But I would like your thought on the table. In addition to the table s the arm. Here is where it gets a bit confusing. I have heard so many comments about the Schroder (I would probably go for a model 1...the second in the line). Perhaps, a Tri-planar, or SME or the great Graham Phantom or 2.2 arm??? Which on do you think is sonically satisfying and yet also easy to use and set up. For instance: does the Schroder or Tri-Planar or Graham have VTA on the fly?
Another though is to purchase the VPI HR-X (if I go that route rather then the Pre-amp Calypso upgrade) and install another arm rather then the VPI 12.5??? I believe some folks have done this. I ask...why? What was the benefit?
Alas.....I leave this long winded question for you to moll over and reply with your thought, suggestions and comments!

Thanks again for your time!

P.S. Manufactures/dealers/'Goners..please all reply.
Why not be different (at least a little)?

I am very happy with my non-tweaky set up. Right around the $10K mark.

JC Verdier Platine
Ikeda IT407 12-inch arm (removable headshell)
Benz Ruby 3H Open Air
Boston Audio Graphite Mat
LYS Stroboscope/Clamp
Benz PP1 Phono Stage
I wish to thank you all for your thoughtful and kind comments. I will keep you posted on my journey.

BTY..if anyone of my ASL Hurricanes went down. Off it went to Lyrci Hi-Fi where I purchased it. It should be ready (as long as it is not a major repair) soon. I will also keep you posted on this as well.
Dear RWD: +++++ " For me, the preamp always has a huge impact on the overall character of the system. " +++++

+++++ " , but do remember that a preamp upgrade will benefit your whole system, while a table upgrade will improve only your vinyl listening. " +++++

I agree with these statements posted by Rushton and Esoxhntr and agree too with Rushton about thinking in a better cartridge before the TT.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hi All,

I have the Aries with the JMW 10 arm. Similar to what rwd has. I am toying with the idea of an SME 20/2 and the SME IV.v arm. For anyone that owns the arm, what tools are supplied to setup the cartridge in the arm?

I looked at the SME owners manual on the Sumiko website and I see pictures of templates made out of paper to set overhang. Is this correct?

BTW. I am very very happy with my VPI Aries/JMW 10/Benz Ruby 2H/Aesthetix Io setup. Makes great music that pulls me in and does not let me go.
