List your breakthrough products that you’ve discovered on this audiophile Journey.

1. Add Powr sorcerer X2/4 

Get this guy with a Nordost QB base and chuck your high $$$ power conditioning units for sale on the ‘Gon.

2. Hemingway Zcore cables. The beginning line of Zcore called the Alpha will outrun 90% of the super high end cables on the market 😱. They’ve been tested by those who run the big name brands and the Alpha comes out on top. Why? One word, realism. The next line up called the Beta is where the breakthrough Technology comes into play. Install a few of these and you will be a believer in this design. Sigma and Omega are next in line and although big $$$ you don’t suffer the law of diminishing returns.

3. Theoretica Applied Physics Bacch-SP Adio 3D Sound Processer. One box does it all. The future in one box. Bottom feeders will choke on this one.

4. Quantum Science Audio fuses. These guys work! Go Red! Unleashing your equipments full Glory.

This tread is only for your listed breakthrough products and not open to the haters and Eeyore type folks. I am sure they will leak in here to try and mock and distract this main purpose.

Dear Eeyore,

Please name your favorite, Positive, breakthrough product. 


The speaker connections for my sub's I had no idea what they were there for, along with XLR connections for amps/preamps and such. It was just a moment where I'm like "I know nothing about HiFi". That's all I meant, but now I just need to listen more and read less.

I feel the sound is better, but nothing objectively to base it off of.

My tricked out Mojo Audio EVO DAC,
Townshend F1 interconnects. I'm awaiting their speaker podiums and would love to be able to afford their Fractal F1 speaker cables.
Townshend F1 interconnects. I'm awaiting their speaker podiums and would love to be able to afford their Fractal F1 speaker cables.
These are genuine breakthrough products. You will be shocked, surprised and impressed how many resonance problems were coloring your sound unawares, only realized when putting your speakers on  Podiums and poof they are gone! You probably heard this with your F1 interconnects, only the effect was maybe not as obvious owing to all the other colored gear still being used. That's what happened with me.   

In my case I did Pods on one thing after another until finally doing Podiums with the Moabs. Wow. Huge. This gave me confidence to try the F1 cables. These are all very similar in that they are so perfectly devoid of any sound of their own. The sorts of resonances they eliminate are so prevalent across so many components they are like RFI on the AC, you can't hear it till it's gone!   

My room a year ago was so boomy that coming home after a visit to Mike Lavigne's place, hearing his exceptionally flat room and system, it was like a sore thumb. Now though, Chuxpona Sunday, not at all. Huge difference, without even so much as a single room treatment. 

Breakthrough, indeed!

I have made a purchase or 2 based on your comments. I very much  appreciate your input on any number of things/ products. Thank you.

i don’t remember boomy ? the second coming announced daily, that i remember…..