Little bit "forward" sound - what cables to avoid?

My system with Cary SLP-05 sounds great, but just a little bit "forward" to my taste. My PC and interconnects all are Wireworld, and I feel to explore all SLP-05 potential I need something better - I am thinking about Kubala-Sosna, Purist Audio, Nordost, Shunyata...
I know the choice of cables is system dependent, and matter of taste... But, is there a common opinion which cables are known for tendency to "forward" sound and I should avoid?
I do not have experience with cables and any help to narrow my choice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Homosapien, no offense taken. Adjectives used in audio can sometimes be confusing especially with cables when objectively we cannot quantify brightness or warmth with them. I often associate forwardness with brightness and laidback with warmth so I have presumed your system sounded a little "bright". Now I understand what you're looking at. As Tvad has suggested(which I agree), wires won't do it as they are more towards fine tuning the sound. If you want to sit a few rows back and have a more 3-dimensional sound, you can either look at the electronics or the room for bigger effect. You can be surprised on the changes if you place some diffusor panels at the back of your speakers. In my case, I find the effect to be 10X more noticeable than swapping cables.
To sum up for the adjectively challenged... the OP does not want his system with new cables to sound "more forward". He is content where it's at now. Of course that begs the question why new cables? Which as noted make no real difference. Length, look, flexibility?
I have been watching this thread as it develops... I reviewed Wire World cables and know the line pretty well.
The Wire World Gold cables are extremely good. They are extremely revealing, so with certain electronics, say all Solid State and highly detailed speakers they may seem very "forward". There are solutions for it.

Boris, what is your entire system comprised of (I quickly scanned the postings for it but didn't see it)? What are all your components and cables? This may help us better answer your question.

For instance, if you are using smaller monitors I would suggest that this may play a big part in the kind of sound you are experiencing as "forward". I often feel that monitors are more "in your face", like an oversized boom box. They may sound extremely good, but they cannot have the same "ease" which a larger floor standing speaker has. This may be part of your frustration in not being able to get the sound you want. It is possible that you may enjoy the planar sound as it is more "spread out" as opposed to focused. This may give you less of a sense of it being right in your face. If you have never heard planar speakers you may want to try to listen to them if you can.

It very well could be a component. What is your source? If the source is a less expensive player they often sound forward and less refined than a higher end player. The better the source the "deeper" the sound stage, or shall we say more spatially correct, I have found.

These are generalizations, but ones which are seen often enough that they may be at work in your dissatisfaction.

Now, what I would recommend at the moment in regards to your Wire World cabling is not an entire system change, but only a slight tweak of the cables. For instance, change only one set of interconnects (maybe from pre to amp). Or, change one power cord, i.e. on the source or preamp. Why such a small change? I have found that making an incremental change to a suite of cables such as Wire World allows enough of a "tuning" to find the perfect sound without having to dump all the cables and start over.

For instance, I recently have used an all Wire World system in a review I am writing, except for one power cord. That one power cord which is different is a Xindak PF Gold. If it is utilized in the right spot (there may be more than one excellent place for it, but I like where it's being placed now) it makes the rig sound perfect.

I think I know what you are trying to do, how you may be trying to take a very small edge off the sound. But you do not want to lose the incredible detail. So, change only one set of IC's or PC's at a time. I believe you will quickly find a tremendously satisfying sound that way.

If you want to try something very unusual, which is not "orthodox" for audiophiles, but I have found to give a remarkably beautiful result, use two Wire World Gold Eclipse Digital cables as IC's! (To all the purists, I know, I know this is not "good audio form" but I accept what works, not just what is deemed good form) I have found using two of these to warm up and relax the sound, to make it very comfortable versus too "in your face" with some components. I still prefer the use of these as IC's with my twin Pathos Classic One MkIII integrateds in mono. It is as rich as many very pricey separates, and the cables make the big difference.

So, do not despair. If your speakers and source are extremely fine and you really know their sound well, then tune the rig with a couple of different cables at critical points. If you can rule out the limitations of speakers or source, I would suggest starting with one or two power cords on the source and/or preamp. :)
douglas if you are into reviewing cables you should check out the gabriel gold cables.they are the one cable i have found that does music justice.
When I heard the Nordosts, I also tried Kubala
Sosna Emotions (I bought these) and Purist A.D. Dominus Rev B's in a direct comparison.

Both of these were not very forward, with the PADs slightly recessed, the KS's about neutral in placment. The PADs had very, very deep bass that was also very solid. The bass was prominent but not overwhelming.
I think the bass orientation, while not boomy, had the effect of recessing the mids a bit, so it was an easy-on-the-ears sound.

The KS was slightly brighter but very well balanced overall, with pretty natural tonality, almost as good as my current Stealth Indras in natrualness, but the Indras still take the prize in this area.

(I now use Stealth Indras which are well balanced with very liquid highs and a very transparent, detailed, natural bass--not rolled off but not bright either, quite relaxing actually. And not forward at all.)