Loading my XYZ 3-S ??

Greetings all
I have a XYZ 3-S which is driving a pair of S&B TX-103 transformers, into a Atma-Sphere MP-3 pre-amp. I have the transformer set at 26-db gain. I was running them without any loading resistors (107 ohms load), till I read that Doug Deacon has his loaded at 7.2 ohm.
I installed a pair of 3.3K into the pre-amp after the transforms, the sound because much more organic, but I seem to have lost a lot of the highs, and need to turn the volume control up more to get the same loudness out of my speakers.
Do I have the cartridge over dampened or am I just use to listening to the cartridge under-dampened?
FWIW I'm loading my Zyx Airy 3 at 100 ohms. I would trust my ears and not worry too much about what others are doing as all systems are different. Listen and have fun.
wouldn't you load an XYZ the opposite of a ZYX? sorry, couldn't resist. hey, i have my dyslexic moments too.