logitech transporter vs. Squeezebox+PS Audio DLIII


I would need your opinion which way to go.

Currently i have a SB classic with a superb DIY power supply. this is my only source.

The two directions:

A.) To buy a used PS Audio DLIII for ~ 500 USD.

B.) To sell my SB classic and my power source and buy a SB transporter and forget about the PS AUDIO DAC.

Any opinion is appreciated!
I have the SB3 and a Lavry DA-10 DAC which I settled on a couple of years back. I also auditioned a Transporter at that time. The choice of the SB3/Lavry was mainly cost driven; it was about $1,000 cheaper since I already had the SB3. However, there was very little difference between the two approaches.

Right now it's not too hard to find Transporters new for about $1300. Had they been at that price a couple of years ago I would have likely gone with a Transporter.

However, there is a third option upcoming. The Slimdevices "Touch" is due out in about a month and a lot of reports from the beta testers have been extremely complimentary about the analog output of this unit. I've got one on order with the intention of comparing it against the SB3/Lavry combo to see if they are in the same ballpark soundwise.
I thought the combination of the SB+DL-III sounded better than the Transporter when playing standard 16/44. Keep in mind though, that your SB device is limited to 24/48, while the Transporter will support up to 24/96. The new "Touch" will support up to 24/96.

If it were me, I would get the Touch ($590) and the DL-III (for $500) and save a few bucks over the Transporter. The Transporter sounded a bit thin compared to the DL-III and the DL-III displayed a bigger soundstage
I would get the Touch ($590)
Not sure where you got your price. My understanding the official price is $299.