Longer Power Cords Sound better?

In my quest for power cords, i have noticed that a longer cord say 6 or 8 feet tends to have a nicer sound in my system that the same models that are 3 or 4 feet.
Power cords i have found this to be true include Cerious Tech, Cardas, and VH Audio....anyone have an explanation?

AND by nicer sound I mean they tend to have a richer midrange, and a more coherent top to bottom presentation.
There is a very simple explanation of why longer power cords sound better. This is because they represent a longer proportion of the length from the power source (e.g. the power plant, dam, or whatever). Therefore, if I am 25 miles from the power plant, a 4' chord represents .003% of the total run, whereas 8' would be .006%. This is double the effect! Clearly significant enough to be heard with our audiophile "golden ears":)
Vince at Plinius swears by 10 foot length for power cords as sounding best, I have no idea myself...
Ahhhh, meds kicking in...much better, heheh.

Wow! A 10 foot cord could get expensive. At that length I'd definitely rather just DIY one.
No doubt, it is a known fact that the higher frequencies are shorter wave length electrons and therefore cannot travel as far as the midrange electrons. Just like spermatazoa.
That's why the longer power cords have more midrange.
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