Lot’s of interesting comments/theories. I have five 5AR4s and three different tube amps that they can run in. Also have a Cary 300SEI LX-20 that is SS rectified for a slight basis of comparison. IMO the cheap Sovtek 5AR4 is the “hottest” of the five. By that I mean the least warm tube-like, the Sovtek is clean, clear, transparent, perhaps a bit harsh, so I’m guessing the least V drop of all five. Try that, then try new stock New Sensor 6SN7s. I’ve found the New Sensor tubes to be clear, clean, and more transparent than NOS tubes. I have a collection of over 200 NOS pre-amp tubes to compare with.
if that doesn’t work for you, swap out the Cary pre with a SS pre. I swapped in a vintage Crown IC 150A in my big 300b/845 integrated that has a pre-in. Made a bigger sonic difference than any tube rolling I’ve done. The amp became more transparent with a touch of brightness or tightness on the upper mids and treble. Don’t know if that is equivalent to PRaT. Still trying to figure out what that means!, but it was more British, as I understand the British sound. I know what iPRaT isn’t, my dad’s old HH Scott 222C playing Black Sabbath through 15 inch single source drivers of unknown origin at full volume in the 70’s! Trying to emulate the sound of my buddy’s HK Citation Sixteen through a pair of Dalquist DQ10s. Couldn’t get there.