Looking for a back issue of HI-FI Choice magazine

Does anyone have the following back issue of the British audio magazine: HI-FI CHOICE magazine issue #234, November 2002. I'm looking to get a photocopy of their test report on the Wilson Benesch Chimera loudspeakers which were reviewed in this issue. I've contacted both the magazine and Wilson Benesch customer service departments in England and neither have a copy of this issue. Amazing! Hopefully some fellow Audiogoner out there has a subscription to this mag or knows someone who does. Thanks for any info on this.
Harvey fax no: 203-352-1899
I could be wrong but think you can pay a small fee a few $ and they will E-Mail you a copy.Best of luck with this, Pete from England.
My Chimeras arrive in two weeks time.Have used the ACT1s and now have the latest ACT you will not be disappointed with these wunderful speakers.
Hope this is of help.