Looking for a CD player

Dear community,
I listen to CDs only and I have owned an entry level AMC CD9 CD player for the past 15 years.
Over time I modified this unit to the max with very good results.
Now I think I am ready to move on to the next level so I am looking for a used CD player under $1,500.
One that can be further improved would be also interesting.
Do you have any suggestions?
Dear all,
Thanks a lot for the many suggestions.
At this point I think I am going to keep the cdp and use it as a transport.Question> what would be a good DAC (also used) for max $1,000?I am not familiar with DACs in terms of how how quick they evolve and there's a BUNCH of options. Keep in mind that I am not interested in any sort of streaming...
Is AMC still in business?
I heard this brand back in 1996.  Gear was Vandersteen 2ci/ce and the first Sunfire amp. Audioquest cabling.

Happy Listening!
I believe keeping your player and purchasing a DAC is the way to go. Check out MHDT DACs as one possibility. The Orchid is a little over your $1000 budget but is well thought of. Check it out on this forum.
"How about the border patrol dac? Any experience?"
Yes. In fact I upgraded from a CD player at $1500 by getting the Border Patrol SE DAC. It was a sizable step up. I still use the Cd player (LM-215) as the transport. Love it.