Looking for a front end streamer only.

I am looking for a front end streamer that I can get the cleanest sound out such as the Auralic Aries 2.1 or Dcs Network Bridge etc.I mostly would stream Tidal and Qobuz but would like Roon end point too. I have a Anthem STR integrated amp and Focal Aria 936 floor standing speakers. Mostly been doing Vinyl and Cd's. Looking to join the streaming world. Will buy a better Dac later. Don't want to spend more than about  6k. I would like to use my ipad for controlling everything. I have a dedicated ethernet connection or can do wifi.
Wouldn't the dcs Bridge you mention fit the bill?https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2017/11/05/review-dcs-network-bridge-the-swiss-army-knife-of-streamer...
It supports Roon and is $4,250 U.S.. I liked it cause I could use my Android as the controller. But it isn't inexpensive.
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Consider a Roon Nucleas.  A good review was posted and in which the reviewer got rid of his high priced innous rig in favor of the nucleas.  

I’ve used an Allo USBridge Signature, running Moode, controlling It with it’s own web page for radio, and Bubble Upnp for Qobuz and local streaming from my NAS. It’s so cheap you can just buy it to try it out for £300. I use an iFi iPower PSU with it. Obviously your DAC must have USB input. I use a Network Acoustics ENO Ag to clean the Ethernet input and a Shunyata Venon USB lead. Both those last two products make all the difference.