Looking for a great el34 based amp

I'm Looking for a great el34 based amp. Easy to bias a plus.

Anyone recommend a really great unit?

If you'd care to step up by using mono blocks that step will prove itself a noteworthy one indeed.

For a SET like sound with some horsepower, the Thor PA 30 or later monos are incredible.... Made exceptionally well, but no maker support. Can be had now for a song though, comparitively speaking vs. orig costs. I've heard these amps and fell in love at first listen.

The next step up performance wise would be their bigger bros, the PA 60's. Ultralinear Oh my gosh performance.

you've got to look into Gary Dodds 120 MK II monos, also running in ultralinear. I own these amps with the cap upgrades and enjoy them immensely. they hold bias well, are extremely quiet and will drive most speakers. Very nice and the pair used goes from what I've seen as little as $1900, to $2500, with the cap upgrades.... NOW Gary is putting out a pair of them rated at still more power... 150 wpc... with more improvements.

Retubing costs for the above is cheap too as those costs go... 4 EL34s per amp, 3 mini tubes or so per unit as well... under $300 for quality tubes overall costs total.

Any of these will satisfy your goals... and then some perhaps.
Jadis is another great amp.
I might get one in the future.
One of the best IMHO.

Yeah, Dodd is also very nice as well as Consonance Cyber 800. My Cybers are modified and sound more like class A then Push-Pull. It is also auto-bias , needs no maintenance.
All of the above mentioned amps are good recommendations.

Matter of taste and budget I guess.

TAD-60 from Tube Audio Design. This has UL/Triode switch and the best feature ever for a small tube amp: Variable Global Negative Feedback. Also you can run this in a pseodo single ended mode where you bias one tube hot and one tube cold. This surely sounds weird but it has a nice result. I think versatility is the key word for this amp. I'm not associated with the company, just a very happy customer.