Looking for a great el34 based amp

I'm Looking for a great el34 based amp. Easy to bias a plus.

Anyone recommend a really great unit?

Jadis is another great amp.
I might get one in the future.
One of the best IMHO.

Yeah, Dodd is also very nice as well as Consonance Cyber 800. My Cybers are modified and sound more like class A then Push-Pull. It is also auto-bias , needs no maintenance.
All of the above mentioned amps are good recommendations.

Matter of taste and budget I guess.

TAD-60 from Tube Audio Design. This has UL/Triode switch and the best feature ever for a small tube amp: Variable Global Negative Feedback. Also you can run this in a pseodo single ended mode where you bias one tube hot and one tube cold. This surely sounds weird but it has a nice result. I think versatility is the key word for this amp. I'm not associated with the company, just a very happy customer.
If you can find a pair of TPA 30 Thor monos..These are superb..Simple to use,Sound Awesome and are bulit to last......