Looking for a new band?

Well, I am. I recently discovered Starflyer 59. I was in a local record store browsing through the bins when I realized my legs were moving to the music, I asked the cashier who was playing? "Starflyer 59", he said. When I returned home, I order everything I could find on vinyl. Boy, I'm glad I did. After listening to this great band I thought that they somewhat reminded me of another band I was turned on to by a fellow A'gonner. Afgan Whigs. To me, there is a similarity here. Pay it forward.
Well it looks like Feedbands has started on the instrumental pressings now. I just got the March 2015 release and it is The Glimpses of the Tao by Cris Coleman Featuring Peter Levitov and Stephane Diaz.
I discovered Cyrilic Typewriter. I think they ran out of last copy they've made and ready either to re-issue albums or press new ones. The music is beyond incredible.
I have been in LOVE with a band I recently discovered called Palace.
The are bluesy, soulful, alt rock band. They have a new EP out called Chase The Light. It's just as fantastic as their debut EP called,Lost in the Night . Both albums can be found on Spotify. If anybody takes a listen , please share your thoughts. This is my favorite British band to come along since Alt. J . I think many of you guys will be enjoy their sound.