Looking for a new powerful amp.

I just purchased a Audio Research Ref 3. Now I'm looking to purchase a new amp. My current speakers are Tannoy system 1200's. the new amp must be able to play very loud at times. the type of music ranges from R&B to Hip Hop to Pop.
I may eventually be changing the speakers to Vandersteens 5a's.
I was thinking maybe a Krell amp???

please give me any feedback you might have on the speakers and amps.

Showing 1 response by fplanner2000

I 2nd the McCormack suggestion. I have a DNA-500: Detailed, musical, remarkably controlled bass, loads of finesse, tons of power(500w into 8, 900w into 4) - it doesn't get much better than this under $15K. Also built like a tank. Can probably be had used under $5K if you look. Lots of rave reviews are actually on the money (for a change) regarding the DNA-500.

Steve McCormack's "statement" piece.