Looking for a Phono pre around 1K

Hey all,
My system,
VPI hw-19 mkIII, premier mmt arm, Ortofon bronze 2m, Yaqin 100b KT-88 push pull, Focal 1008be2
I've had :
Cambridge audio 640p that I modded (power supply, opamp sockets, ) 
Sound: ok , not much soundstage or detail
Yaqin ms23b tube. 
Sound; more soundstage, better delineation of vocals and room ambience, still sounds a bit muffled/recessed.

I know those are on the inexpensive side, but after upgrading my speakers to the Focals. I'm hearing hints of things in the recordings that, I'm positive, with a better phono pre could be more fleshed out.

I listen to mainly rock/pop (Bowie, Stones, Steely Dan, Pink Floyd, Carly Simon, jazz)

If I could stay under 1K that would be great.

I'd like more definition, without losing the sweetness of tubes, I know I don't have any tube stages on there but…
I'd like the ability to use a MC cart as well 9I have a Denon 160)
My list so far:
Musical Fidelity - MX-VYNL Mm/Mc
Sutherland - Insight Phono Preamplifier
Musical Surroundings - Nova II
PS Audio Phono Converter (would be great to rip the records)

Any Suggestions are greatly appreciated.

you need an outboard power supply and large transformer to approach the sound of the "big boys" - e.g. paraasound JC3, manley chinook, lehmann decade (take a look under their "hoods").  
you can get there with slightly above $1K with the lehmann black cube se ii.  i have one and love the sound that it gives me.  
I am really liking the Jolida JD9 I paid $600 for then.......installed Audyn Copper Plus caps. ($90 shipped), NOS Siemens 12 AX7 ($75), threw a good power cord on it and away you go.......challenging many higher $$$$ units. Some say op amp upgrades move up also. Not sure of this units MM cartridge ability with minimum 60 DB gain but will run any MC out there with as much as 85DB of gain. Decent ability to load cartridges for this money also with handy dip switches on the back. I owned a Lehman Black Cube SE one time and this is better (by a bunch) and if you do the math I am still under $1K and I can flavor with tubes.