Looking For A Remote Controlled Phase Inverter

Does anyone know of a stand alone device that I can plug my cd players output rca's into and then come out with another pair of rca's to my preamp that will allow me to remotely invert the phase???....thanx
I looked high and low for such a device before finally giving up and buying a used Aesthetix Calypso linestage Glad I did; it sure beats switching speaker cables :-)
There HAS to be some wizard out there who could build a high quality esoteric unit.....who should we ask???
Well, excuse me!

Here's the problem. You probably do not want to insert a possibly mediocre piece of electronics in your signal line but, with a single-ended preamp output, that is your only option for changing polarity, afaik. Either (1) you use an active electronic circuit to derive the inverted polarity and a switch to select between the two or (2) you use a transformer for the purpose, again with a selector switch. Your move.

Now, if you had a balanced output preamp, all you would need would be a good 4PDT switch to swap pins 2 and 3 on each output.


P.S.: I have also used option 2 on the speaker lines but the switches need to be VERY substantial.