Looking for a Shotgun...

Hey folks - looking to upgrade my biwired Nordost Red Dawn Rev1 with a pair of true shotgun cables (I have a multichannel EAD PowerMaster 2000). I know about the ZuWax and the Acoustic Zen Satori, but what other cables are available in a true shotgun configuration (essentially double wires). I'm looking for something on the neutral side.

System: EAD PowerMaster 2000, Revel Studios. Budget: Used for under $1000.

XLO Signature 5.1 shotgun cables work exceptionally well in my system. I purchased a used pair of 8' cables and had them reterminated into a 4' shotgun pair.
I've been very happy with a Silverline Audio Conductor shotgun configuration used between a McCormack amp and ProAc speakers. Retail was $535, I think, for the 8' shotgun pair.
Try the Virtual Dynamics Signatures Series cables. Very detailed, dynamic and awesome bass.