Looking for a simple system

Im just getting back into putting together a system from scratch again after 20 years.  I have no physical media, so Ill be streaming everything.  All I want is a streaming Integrated and some bookshelf speakers.  Budget is 10K.  So far, I have narrowed my search for the integrated:  Atoll SDA300 Signature (150 watt class AB) or the Gato DIA-400S NPM (400 watt class D) and the speakers will be the new Buchardt E50's or the Gershman Studio 2's.  Im leaning toward the Gato and Buchardts.  Unfortunately, I can not audition any of these products so I am doing my best to learn about them before I pull the trigger.  I currently have a JBL sub - I bought for a home theater project i never started and an older OPPO Universal player (if I wanted to get back into CD's.)  Just looking for the groups opinion on these or something else I have not even considered.  thanks...


Showing 1 response by coltrane1

There are exceptional used Tube Integrated’s in today’s market. I’d start there, save some money and then select speakers. I’d forget all about streaming. I’d spend my money on cd’s or vinyl, or like I have, both.

When you left 20 years ago the internet market was outstanding for used audio gear.

It’s still that way. Everyday I see a lot of great used gear listed on USAudioMart, and much of it is going dirt cheap, some as low as 30% of retail. And get this, much of it over a 6 month period hasn’t sold.

So it’s never been a better time to start an audio system. And I’ve bought used gear for 35 years and not once had a problem. The smart money is on used gear, for as you know, if you buy it new, once you’ve driven it off the lot, you’ve lost money!