Looking for a solid state preamp for Krell fpb 250m monoblocks

I have a pair of Thiel CS 6's I just purchased, along with Krell FPB 300m monos. I'm reading that Krells aren't too kind with tubes, will clear that up with the guys a Krell, but am interested in suggestions for a preamp in the under 4K range.


Showing 2 responses by michaeljbrown

OK, I called Patrick at Krell and he told me how to render the Krell FPB 250m safe for Tube preamps, and sent me a diagram. 
Never mind! I'm now a convert to tube preamps!
Thanks guys.

Sorry, I mentioned 300m which is incorrect. I have 250m monoblocks. I have just this minute completed the task of removing two small black plastic jumpers , which then engages the capacitors into the signal path, and makes the tube preamp safe for operation with the Krell solid state monos.  Patrick at Krell gave me a little diagram and specific instructions for performing the operation.
It takes a lot longer to remove the screws (8 on each mono) and take off the covers then it does to make the adjustment by removing the little plastic jumpers. Then I put back all 16 screws and now I'm good to go! I will soon see how the Transcendent tube preamp performs with the Krell.