Looking for a tube preamp that has xlr outputs.

As the topic says looking for a new or used tube preamp that has xlr outputs to go to my vtv amplifier.  Will be looking for dac next for streaming music.  But back the preamp.  Price is under 2500.  Used is ok since you can often get more bang for the buck.  

What suggestions do people have?  I like to listen to everything from blues to assic


I messaged you. I have a copy of the invoice for the Mk III upgrade I can send you. You spoke to Kevin Hayes I expect? 

Yes that is correct.  If I can have the invoice or a name I can give him to look it up on his end.  It could help. It's a great reference piece but definitely old.

FYI guys I picked up the vac cla1 mk3 that @fthompson251 had.  after talkong to the original make and them vouching for the previous owner and the unit.  

Wish me luck.

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