Looking for a warm sounding amp or integrated with a torodial transformer

Looking for recommendations for a warm sounding integrated amplifier or power amplifier tube or solid state with a torodial transformer power supply. I have multiple chemical sensitivities and the materials used  in the rectangular transformers affect me, I'm fine with toroidal transformers. I've been looking at BAT, Modwright, and Pass Labs. Any other ideas? I have a Rogue audio sphinx but would like a bit more warmth.

Thanks in advance!


bought a Belles Aria recently and compared it to a Rogue Sphynx, I prefer the Sphinx, but it does matter which tubes you use in the Sphinx, my favorites being NOS Mullards. I'm finding it hard to explain all of the differences, the Aria has a lighter, brighter sound in my system to my ears, the Sphinx has a fuller, darker sound. The Aria shines on low volume delicate music, the Sphinx shines on vocals and more dynamic music. The Aria edges out the Sphinx in the reproduction of piano, the Sphinx is a tad harder sounding. Simply put I enjoy listening to the Sphinx more, I listen mostly to jazz. I'm keeping the Sphinx and selling the Aria.

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Are you sure your integrated is the problem and a new $5k-$6k integrated will solve this issue? I’d be looking at $350 Wharfedale Diamond 225 speakers as candidates for the upgrade, not the integrated…at least not until your speakers are up to it. 

Ghdprentice why reluctantly recommend Rogue Audio? Is it based on the sphinx or Cronus magnum 2? Or just that it’s out classed by competition of the others mentioned? 

I am not a Rogue fan. I had a very bad experience with the company early on which still jades my opinion of them. And their sound is… well not as refined as some of their high end cometitors… but, I don’t listen to it much so… I shy away from commenting directly on their sound.