Krell Solo 375 Monoblocks are by far exactly what you are looking for. They have the auto-bias Class A and just have a softer way of bringing the treble. The treble is not rolled off, just not what some of these so called state of the art amps do to your ears. Krell does Class A right. No matter how many amps I put into my system, nothing sounds better with my Martin Logans. I sold all my other amps and now have 3 Krells. Currently I'm using one with the auto-bias Class A and it really works. I am constantly reminded how much a proper Class A design can produce vocals and instruments with weight and clarity that is non fatiguing. If you can't afford new, just look for used. I don't like the Evolution models, but ones before that have the auto bias technology. Bryston is great for reliability, but can't really give you what Krell does with musicality. I'm sure some like Pass Labs, and power to ya. But back to back, the Krells or D'ags with give a faster decay from instruments, and thus more natural. Let the mud slinging begin.