Looking for info on speaker loads?

I am running the integrated amp: NAD M33 and recently changed speakers. 

From KEF LS50's to Magnepan LRS.

For the first time ever I'm getting a warning that my right amp is over heating. As I go up in volume, a tad higher than normal listening levels but no where near ear splitting levels. 

I emailed NAD and they said the M33 can run the Maggies mw/o issue.

The speakers now and before have REL t/5i tried to them, the music is nothing hard to reproduce i.e. Sam Cooke coming off of Bluesound Vault ripped CD's.

The forum members here have much more experience then I do and was hoping to get some help, insight to solve the problem or at the least understand the problem, of course I've heard often that the Maggies are hard to drive.


@2psyop  Yes you're right the Maggies are clipping and I've gotten two different types of error messages from the amp. It's very troubling because I am loving the sound of the Maggies and I don't want to go back to the LS50's. My dealer loaned me this pair of LRS speakers until the LRS+ arrive. At least there is a return policy but, I hope the LRS+ version will give me a different result. 


if you are liking the speakers and will go with the lrs+ for long term use, you would be well advised to get a better suited amplifier... i would’ve thought the m33, an upper-level effort from nad, would be able to handle them despite the class d topology, but perhaps your room is large and you like the music on the louder side

there are recent threads here on proper amps to drive maggies, just search and you will find plenty of info

bit of irony most lrs/lrs+ lovers live with... thousand dollar speaker needs several thousand dollar amp with major ’cajones’ (nad and many other pretenders need not apply... 😁)


The room size is 12.5' x 13' with an 8' ceiling, A converted bedroom after my son left for college LOL. Carpet floor, no room treatments put the window is covers by wood shutters. I would think not a difficult environment to drive a couple of speakers.  

The M33 states it will provide 380 watts x 2 into 4 ohms

However, I am getting a first hand education on what it really takes to drive these in my room. I don't listen loud but I like having the option to when required. I have a Db meter on order so I can measure exactly where the limits are. 

The room size is 12.5' x 13' with an 8' ceiling, A converted bedroom after my son left for college LOL. Carpet floor, no room treatments put the window is covers by wood shutters. I would think not a difficult environment to drive a couple of speakers.  

The M33 states it will provide 380 watts x 2 into 4 ohms

tbh - that size room, no way that m33 should overload or go into fault mode driving lrs's to moderate volume... i think something is wrong with that particular unit (or the lrs's...)