Looking for RCA cables from preamp to amp?

Although I want some good cables for this purpose I don't need to spend $$$$ on each one. I need seven total cables. 

Preamp: Marantz AV10

Amps: NAD M23 and NAD M28


Cables for your/anyone's system is a crapshoot.....you really have to listen to them.    I suggest Mogami,......the most expensive cables are an interesting comparison

I recently purchased a pair of Mogami XLR cables (~$60) a month ago to help with troubleshooting a connection issue.  

They worked fine for troubleshooting, but IMO, they are definitely not for high SQ musical reproduction.  They are going into a box in the garage just in case I need to resolve another issue...

I have also been researching OCC XLR cables, and I found a new manufacturer (to me, at least): Artic Cables, supposedly are "Handcrafted in Florida, USA".

FYI - From their website (below) it appears that they have invested in new OCC production equipment.  Also on their website, they state

"Arctic produces the purest copper and silver OCC Litz wires on the market, which utilize some of the most complex Litz designs and deliver top-notch performance, comfort, and aesthetics."

From and email with them, I also learned: 

It's 18AWG per conductor. The combined gauge is 13AWG per cable. 

We use a cutting-edge manufacturing process to produce our wires

Our testing samples reach a purity of approximately 99.99999N, which is considered the highest purity in the market. 

I have no affiliation, just shopping for a better cable... Has anyone tried these cables or have anything else to add?


Ok you don’t want to spend $$$ what do you expect without spending any $$$…???

this is why people say stuff like cables don’t matter and I don’t wanna spend any money.

It’s a component just like your amp or speakers.

Lots of cheap options they all sound pretty much bad. No air on top, thin sounding and harsh or just warm and fuzzy without bass pitch definition.

Perhaps someone could please explain to us the physics of sound transmission through copper, because it appears there is a lot of myths out there about the transmission through wire/cables. From the research I can do, copper has higher/better conductivity than gold, silver, or aluminum, yet people want those poorer transmitters to cover their cables. What is better than pure copper? Other than shielding, and solid connectors, what can make a strand of pure copper better? Nothing it seems to me. It seems there could only be things that could hinder it and make it worse. The price of copper is set in the commodities spot markets, and at times it is high and at times it is low. Copper is a commodity, differentiated only by price, by definition. So, unless we are talking about removing impurities in the wire or connection, there is nothing more that can be done. And with my apologies to others, a copper cable is not a component in a system just like an amp or speakers. Those components are constructed of many different and competing elements that require science, art and compromises to put together well, and this is what adds or subtracts value and price. But the natural laws of physics - and the Table of Elements - dictate that copper wire is simply a commodity - no ands, ifs or buts. And as to conductivity, gold, silver, and aluminum can only reduce conductivity - my apologies to JBL, and all the electronics manufacturers out there who specify a "solid gold (something)", etc. Or, has someone found a way to exceed the laws of physics?