spend 3K, buy records and a down payment on a Dodge Viper. "
I have over 2k of records and a 2020 Ford Bullitt Mustang I'm good.
Looking to buy a quality integrated $10,000 budget.
I've reached out to LTA for more information defiantly a top choice from what I've read. thanks for that suggestion. Diablo 300 way too much power but the diablo 120 is interesting. I've never had the experience to see let alone hear anything from Gryphon though and I doubt there will be anywhere close to listen. Maybe in Seattle or Vancouver those are the two largest places that are reasonable distance to me that I will travel for this perches if i don't buy used that is. I'm not apposed to buying unseen as they say if I know the reputation of the company and have many reviews to help judge. But listening touching is ideal of course. Many good suggestions I had not considered thank you all. Chorus, I did not see any Integrated amps on Merrill's site. coming soon though. I'll not be looking at Krell, levenson or moon not to my taste but thanks for the suggestion. Looks like i have a good start to do some thinking and research - listening if I can find a place. My Plan is to get off this merry-go-round of audio equipment and settle down and just enjoy into retirement. Thanks again everyone for the excellent feedback and suggestions. Glen |
op if u are sticking to your super efficient super easy to drive la scala’s and love their sound, and don’t have a huge room, there are so so many low wattage fine, fine amps you can choose from -- 10 grand can be very well spent on some great ones but you certainly don’t need to spend 10k to get some serious magic goin' on... your list seems to weighed towards much higher wattage units, that will not sound as sweet nor as organic as the super pure se tube amps - i think that is entirely the wrong direction if you are committed to the la scala's i for one still have some great low wattage amps from years ago, but i just could not live with the various high efficiency/horn/paper cone speakers i have tried over time that they could drive properly - but i haven’t given up, and still keep my cary 300b sei and my wavelength cardinals for that day the right super hi-eff speakers come along... |
Take a look at a few years old T+A PA3000HV. https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/ta-pa-3000-hv-and-mp-3000-hv/ With a bit of patience you should be able to land one for about $6k. Original MSRP was ~17K. |