Looking to get TT

I seeking getting into a first TT and would like help!
My current system is Classe 25 amp, Classe CP-60 pre, Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 D/A, Sonic Fontiers SFT-1 Transprt
and Martin Logan Ascent. My preamp doesn't have phono so I would need phono preamp to hook into my CP-60 so having explained my set and only wanting to spend no mor than $1000 on TT and phono pre can it be done?
Was thinkng going with music hall MMF-5 andCreek OBH-8 as this would be my first TT set up and total cost would be around $700. Is this going to give me many years of good sound? in the future I can go with phono card for my preamp.
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Viridian, that Giant and Tull concert sounds like a winner!
Are you familuar with Gravy Train or May Blitz?

4yanx The crusaders Lp I received was 2nd crusade, it was their second lp

Twl,you old Hell-raiser, I also just won BOC Secret Treaties first ed Jap with obi N/M. This is not the reissue, rocks best 100 obi
Tom, if you like Secret Treaties do you have the first Captain Beyond LP? p.s.I have not forgot about the Audience lp.

RONI always rockin
Sorry, Psych, I never did well on the ASPCA. Darn lexdysia. Anyhoo, I made the assumptions that: 1)the $6000 system you're designing was for yourself, and 2)you'd be incorporating that with your $8000 noise control rig (ref your 6/02 post) for a total of $14,000.

Obviously, either one or both assumptions was not correct, although I am still unsure which. But, in fairness, I don't know how one could have assumed anything different, seeing how you mentioned that your table "fits in (the $6000 system) perfectly" and your very clear indication that the noise control rig was fundamental to "clean, musical and intimate" reproduction.

BTW- Thought that, seeing how you found a pair of $325 speakers that embarrassed a pair of B&W 801's, maybe you know of a pair of $1000 speakers that stomp the Sound Lab M-1's. Please let me know.


Ron, I do have the first Captain Beyond album, and it's great. I have it on a mint Japanese pressing, and 2 original US 3D-cover copies. Also have a promo Sufficiently Breathless. They're both great.

I also love BOC, and have these:
Blue Oyster Cult - Japanese with Obi, mint
Secret Treaties - Japanese with obi, mint
Tyranny and Mutation - Japanese with obi, mint
Spectres - Japanese with obi, mint
Agents of Fortune - Japanese with obi, mint

Other highlights:
Also have the first 4 Led Zeppelin albums on Japanese with obi, mint.
Mountain - Climbing and Nantucket Sleighride - Japanese with obi, mint.
It's a Beautiful Day - 1st album - Japanese with Obi, mint
All the early Moody Blues on Japanese with Obi, mint
All the early Jeff Beck albums on Japanese with Obi, mint
All the Beatles albums and almost all the Kinks albums on Japanese with Obi, mint
All Supertramp albums on Japanese with Obi, mint
Most early Fleetwood Mac on Japanese with Obi, mint
All Doors albums on Japanese with Obi, mint
And a variety of other albums of the same.

I love those Japanese pressings.
The list price of my noise control rig is ~ $8K; the total system cost will end up being $6-7K. I got really good deals on the noise control stuff. Now that I'm more knowledgeable I could do it with more finesse and with less gear. I'll keep what I have--what the hell. Point is that power delivery/noise control is a priority. So is acoustic treatments and tuning. Just came from buying some huge and some smaller Kentia palms--they will be my diffusors in my future audio room. Photos will be taken by Lak and posted sometime in early fall...GW

About the Yamaha's--I just wanted to hear them with a *high resolution* setup. I never expected them to be so uncomfortably close to the 801's. As such, I have learned that high price does not guarantee value. Guess what my Proton dual mono amp did to my *highly reviewed* BRB 120--it smoked it. Made in Taiwan--right.

I have never heard the Sound Lab's, but given their type, size and shape it would be hard to find something that would be in the same league. Maybe the VMPS RM40 would seriously challenge them (especially with upgraded capacitors and cryo'ed circuit boards & Bybee filters) at least for the money. I have heard that those are the two large floor standing speakers to get...well, there's an array version of my Swans, too--they're awesome looking and totally impressive.

Dan Wright had a big laugh last Friday when I told him Quad electrostatics would melt if I played my junkie salsa through them...