Looking to upgrade my preamp, suggestions?

Decided it is time to try out a newer preamp, have upgraded everything else over last couple of months bar this so...
Present pre is an ARC LS2 with gold lion tube and herbies tube damper.
Rest is Esoteric sa-50, bat vk600se and b&w 804d.
Listen exclusively to rock music, old and new
Important to myself, solid bass, vocals and soundstage, a remote might be nice too...lol
Thinking along the lines so far of bat vk32se, a newer ARC like ls17 or 27. Yes all tubes
Suggestions along solid state lines please?
budget is about 3500 max
Prefer to hear from actual owners of preamps suggested for your actual experiences
thank you all in advance 
I have been enjoying my Modwright LS36.5. Well designed preamp with isolated tube rectified power supply and a pair of 6H30's in signal output stage. 
Yeah lots of ARC used options in your price range would no doubt be good options. One other that has recently piqued my interest is Linear Tube Audio. They now have a remote version of their preamp at half your price range new, and I think they offer in-home trials that would be great at least for perspective if nothing else. Another good option would be VAC, but they’re pretty tough to find used in your price range.

I’d hesitate to recommend a solid state pre. I just think you’re used to the tubed sound, and although there are certainly some great solid state pres out there that may indeed help in the bass area there may be other trade-offs that might not be worth it. Plus there are so many great tubed options out there. FWIW and best of luck.

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