Lou Reed/Metallica "Lulu" just awful

Just checked out Lou Reed's latest album Lulu. He is backed by Metallica. Lulu may be one of the worst albums of all time.As a long time Reed fan I am willing to give him a certain amount of artistic license. However, this offering is simply unlistenable.
I like a lot of the Velvet's material - and I suspect that it was really influential for guys like Brian Eno and the others who started the process of "abstracting" the r'n'r backbeat for more than momentum and urgency. I also like Reed's first solo album (s/t) and Berlin (almost despite myself). After that (1973?), my response to his records started a long, pretty steady decline. Only a few of his records over the last 40 years have registered for me at all.

It takes real adoration and pure BS to claim Lou made that album "intentionally bad" and the joke was on everyone. Trust me, Lou is hardly that bright, it was bad because an idiot made it nothing more. How can this guy be called brilliant is way beyond me, from his Velvet days and beyond he is stupidity amplified.
No worries Chad... but this is a good opportunity to say something...

My feeling: Before anyone disses Lou wholesale... they should really listen to Transformer, New Sensations, and New York. Lou Reed is actually fairly unique in staying relevant for at least 3 decades! How many other artists can you say that (and don't say the stones, they've been coasting since Tattoo you!...and don't get me started on The Who...farewell tour 1983 ..exactly.

Have you heard Twilight Reeling? I know that he often talks his songs... but very few can turn a phrase like Lou. Lou's been an incredible influence to many many many bands. He's just begun to take himself too seriously. If there wasn't a Velvet Underground you wouldn't have the Pixies, Nirvana, Weezer, and many others (yes, I know you crabby old ba$4ards are saying that would be a good thing right now ; ). The Velvet Underground opened the door for SO MUCH good music! They truly offered an alternative for formulaic British Pop.

I'll never get you guys that hate things without hearing it...let alone, listening to it.

For the record - again - I never said that the record was intentionally bad. I said that, I, too had heard the story that it was deliberately bad and that Lou Reed continues to deny that it was deliberately bad. I don't know whether it was a misfire or if he intentionally delivered a turd. I just know that it sucks.

Further, I never called him brilliant - I just said that I liked a fair bit of The VU material and that it was highly influential on a lot of the people who re-shaped rock in the late '60s/early '70s. That can be confirmed by a quick listen and/or some research. Why not see who covered the VU songs from 1970 forward for a sense of this?

I also like his first two solo records.

I even mentioned that he has done very little over the last 40 years that I find interesting and you call that adoration?

