

Responses from ml8764ag

Avoid Sonos - Shoddy update impairs and bricks systems - company gaslighting
oh….one other not so flattering thing…that, thankfully, may force Sonos hand to ‘ Give people back their systems’   …they’ve reportedly taken away or ‘unknowingly’ let slip key accessibility features that are encumbering blind folks use of the p... 
Opinions on Bluesound vs Sonos.
Don’t touch Sonos with a ten foot pole…they recently bricked my system and 1000s of others in a half-assed “courageous “ update intended to support another, future product….   They, including the CIO, are outright lying about the current state o... 
Wharfedale Lintons ... Any great amp pairings?
Op…did you do anything…is the thread done? Well, Good Luck.  
Good value vintage pressing of CCR Cosmo’s Factory?
Thanks guy…looks like I can’t rule out new pressings …and I forgot about the Japanese pressings….I used have Japanese pressed Zeppelins and was very impressed!     Anyway, sounds like some decent discussion is spawning…so please keep it coming.  
Good value vintage pressing of CCR Cosmo’s Factory?
And please, don’t ask what my system is or room dimensions 🤫 let’s stay on topic 🤣 No seriously…and I don’t know if this hurts or helps…I like Rich full vintage sound over thin, accurate…also I’m not Fixated on Bass like some. Hope this helps.  ... 
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum
@mijostyn … thanks for the info…was hoping there was some magic lens you could attach to your phone.  Definitely could pay for itself for the right cases.   
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum
@rauliruegas , @mijostyn, et al: What equipment / phone apparatus? do you use to take these magnified stylus photos? Might be good to help monitor my own stylus wear?  
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum
@mijostyn re. Invading Texas, LOL. I was going to return a quip about the fact I live in New Mexico but decided against it 😆   Sssshhhhhhhhh, don’t tell Raul 🤫  
Wharfedale Lintons ... Any great amp pairings?
By the way….these are NOT a lower-tier speaker to be matched with “lower-tier” amplifiers as suggested above…they just happen to be obscenely underpriced. Your mileage may indeed vary… but my 85ths have kicked much more expensive speakers to my cu... 
Wharfedale Lintons ... Any great amp pairings?
If you are talking Linton 85ths, I have a ps audio s300 and the BHK pre….they sound superb with the Lintons…. I absolutely love the s300…it replaced a musical reference RM9 Mkii tube amp in my system and I haven’t looked back (if that is a useful ... 
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum
Sorry…but time to dump their tables too. I was really really interested in checking them out but have heard way too many iffy things about their service I do like Music Direct though…a lot. Too bad they got mixed up with Mofi. Sorry MoFi (and ot... 
A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum
@rauliruegas Your posts are much more concise of late… nice.  
Why Can't Modern Tube Manufacturers Make a Proper Tube?
Actually New “Tung Sol” efforts have been great …their el34b was my very favorite power tube.   ymmv  
$300-$500 Cartridge for Thorens TD-1601 Turntable
Love the Nagaoka 200—would look no further. Absolutely superb cartridge. Funny, if I ever buy a new table …will look very seriously at the 1601. Let me know how it works out if you go that way.   I would personally avoid the Ortofon Bronze, FWIW.  
Weak Link in Vinyl Playback
@vonhelmholtz I say this because getting analog right can be an unexpectedly expensive endeavor. Well said, I could not agree more!!!!