Showing 50 responses by geoffkait
Gee, I wonder what the 10 hottest years on record are... |
millercarbon OP Warming trend? Save your climate fraud narrative for the less well informed, okay? >>>>As fate would have it we are enjoying the warmest January on record here. Coincidence? Just as we enjoyed the warmest Year on record last year. The trend is not necessarily your friend. |
Breaking Gnus! 🐃 🐃 🐃 NASA press release yesterday: 2019 second warmest year on record. 🥵 |
Oh, brother! A rather odd argument, at best. Break us a give! “Hanson is a supporter of Donald Trump, authoring a 2019 book The Case for Trump.[20] Trump praised the book.[20] In the book, Hanson defends Trump’s insults and vile language as "uncouth authenticity", and praises Trump for "an uncanny ability to troll and create hysteria among his media and political critics."[20] According to Washington Post book critic Carlos Lozada, the book "focuses less on the case for Trump than on the case against everyone else," in particular attacking Hillary Clinton.[20] According to Lozada, Hanson indulges "in casual sexism, criticizing Clinton’s “shrill” voice and her “signature off-putting laugh,” and inexplicably suggesting that while “Trump’s bulk fueled a monstrous energy; Hillary’s girth sapped her strength.”"[20] Hanson praises the Trump administration for its "inspired" and "impressive" Cabinet members.[20] In the book, Hanson blamed Barack Obama for "deliberately [whipping up]" "much of the current division in the country", while ignoring Trump’s birtherism or attacks on Muslims.[20] The book likens Trump to a hero of ancient literature, sacrificing himself for the greater good.[20] Hanson expressed support for Trump’s proposed border wall on the Southern border, saying that walls around houses deter criminals.[20]” |
djones51 Yeah well people do deny the big bang, evolution and yes climate change , what can you do. I am not surprised someone hasn’t started denying gravity calling it intelligent falling instead. >>>>I reckon you mean you ARE surprised someone hasn’t started denying gravity, in any case I deny that gravity is what most people think it is. 😬 |
Yes, that is interesting. But why would NASA do that? On the other hand other data shows the recent years are definitely the warmest on record. That data was released only a few days ago, was it NOAA? What is also interesting is the large number of extreme weather related events that have been occurring. This is not (rpt not) business as usual. What does it all mean, jelly bean? |
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Whose woods these are I think I know. |
millercarbon OP I just told you he’s abolished regulations and expanded liberty. You call him a despot. Impeachment got no republican votes, and not even all the democrats either, and a couple democrats even left the party and became republican over this sham. This you call an overwhelming majority. I guess when tens of thousands stand in line just to see him, and still more tens of thousands are turned away when the place is jammed, and a whole football stadium full of fans cheers and hollers and chants for him, well my guess is you have some equally delusional alternate universe version of that too. >>>>You’ll have to pardon me but that’s what people said 80 years ago about a certain somebody. But I won’t mention any names. |
One assumes the ones who actually die in these common extreme weather phenomena we’ve been experiencing of late are not politically motivated right or left, yes? |
What I’m trying to say is one need look no further than the daily news to see that extreme weather is on the upswing. You don’t even have to try to find the cause to see that something is happening. What exactly is the root cause comes next. It’s like an alcoholic - he has to first admit he has a problem before he starts the 12 step program or whatever. This doesn’t require a rocket scientist 🚀 to figure it out. It’s strictly observation 👀 and perhaps a little logic 1+1=2. Ask not for whom the bell 🔔 tolls. It tolls for thee. And you see something is happening but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mister Jones? |
Education cannot be legislated, forced or accomplished by any means unless there is a motivation or burning desire on the part of the so called student, assuming you have a competent teacher to begin with, which you probably don’t. I’m not really seeing this education thing happening. It’s a pretty thought, though. Remember, when you hear a loud rumbling that sounds like a steam locomotive headed towards your house, head for the basement. If you’re in your car don’t remain there. |
Please note I’m not saying there is no such a thing as a desire to learn. But your argument appears to be all you have to do to solve the “climate problem” is to educate everybody. And I’m saying you can’t educate everybody even if you wanted to desperately. One also assumes that once “everyone is educated” they will only vote people in who will act responsibly. Another huge leap of faith in my humble opinion. |
Am I the only one who’s creeped out by Tony Heller’s voice? I mean, come on! However, I am the first to admit he does not seem to lack any self esteem. To whit, he says in his accomplishments summary, “You will be hard pressed to find anyone with a broader and more successful career in science, education, environment and engineering.” The thing he’s apparently most proud of is his work on computer/game consoles, which doesn’t really tie in all that well with weather data analysis if you ask me. |
This just in! Let’s not call it what it is. Well, that’s just great! So, now Sec. Treasury is the spokesman for climate change? “Let’s call it an environmental issue and not climate change,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on a panel Friday at WEF. Mnuchin was asked how climate change — a key theme at this year’s WEF —would impact the global economy moving forward. “It’s one of many important issues,” Mnuchin said, adding that he believes technological advances over the next 30 years may help to solve climate-related challenges. |
Of course the weather has been changing for millions of years, give me a break! That’s why there are called seasons. Hel-loo! We’re talking about extreme weather and weather-related events like monster fires 🔥 and monster tornados 🌪🌪. Monster floods, monster mudslides, monster earthquakes and Tsunami. Our solar system and our galaxy are in equilibrium, so look 👀 elsewhere for the answers to these burning questions. You can take the Sun, moon and stars off the table. Even solar flares 🌞 and sunspots. No offense to anyone living or dead. I suspect I’m probably the only one here who was involved with the International Sun-Earth Explorer ISEE satellites that studied the dynamic properties of Earth’s magnetosphere and the solar wind in front of the magnetosphere. |