Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
The facts of DDT were already mentioned: banning it cost millions of lives.

The facts of manmade global warming- CO2 is indeed a greenhouse gas. Humans do indeed produce a lot of it. How much? As much as volcanoes? No not even close. As much as plants? No not even close. Skipping on down the list we find that of all the sources of CO2 human beings just aren't a significant factor.

Believe me, you don't want to argue the facts. Bjorn Lomborg, founder of Greenpeace, look it up, was given a position at a prestigious university where he sent a whole army of grad students out to gather the evidence to prove to the world just how big a global crisis we face. His army came back and you know what? Its not a crisis. What we need most is clean water. Sanitation. CO2 and climate are so far down the list as to not even be on it.

For having the temerity to report these FACTS Bjorn Lomborg has been un-personed.

Because warmists always argue the man. Never the facts. They don't have the facts. Not even.
Los Angeles has been expanding into arid land for decades, leading to a water crises that's really hitting its stride and 3 hour commuting being the norm. I also lived in L.A. as a kid and the smog was insane, but the improvement in L.A. air quality has been an astonishing triumph of science and regulation which forced emission standards on reluctant car companies...amazing. The indigenous Chumash "Angelenos" called the L.A. basin "the valley of smoke" so the ability to trap pollution goes way back.
The facts of DDT were already mentioned: banning it cost millions of lives.
And there, in this very sentence, you have it. Despite the facts of the situation at the link above disproving it, this zombie lie continues to lumber along, like locomotor ataxia, ever ready and willing to spread the lie to another, uniformed audience, in the hopes of someone, anyone, falling for it.

To think that that motivates one to do what they do.....

All the best,

And as for anything Tony Heller puts out:

The guy is a quack, but one of a soft spoken nature, meant to sooth and lull.

All the best,
DDT was never banned worldwide  only in the US when did millions die in the US from  this ban? 
Human activity has contributed close to 33% of CO2 since the start of the industrial  revolution.  Source NASA. 
Other contributors,  water vapor, methane,  nitrous oxide all caused by natural and human activity. We can't  control natural we can control human. 

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