Low and high output Grados differences in detail.

Do the high output Grados have more detail then the low output Grados. I have a Aesthetix Rhea Phono Amp and was wondering if Grado carts would be to "mushy" with the Aesthetix Rhea? All opinions and expert advise is welcome.
I went from a high outout Grado Sonata to a low output Statement 1. I use it with an RCM Sensor Prelude. My general impression is that the low output version trades a little drive and "slam" for greater nuance and detail. The HO Sonata had a greater "boogie" factor, the LO Statement is more refined and delicate sounding. Not delicate to a fault, but noticeable. I suspect that impression is subject to change with different phono stages, but it held true with both Sutherland and RCM in my case.
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I have a Grado Reference Master 1 Wood Body that I haven't tried yet. I also have a Nottingham Ace with 2 tonearms. I'm think the Grado might be the wrong combination for that set-up. I can still return it and get a Shelter which I hear is more detail and slam. Any opinions on this?