Lower Volume from One Monoblock

Technical question on Cary 500 monoblocks. One amp is noticeably lower in output volume than the other. My sound was off-centered, a good bit louder on the left. Swapping the monoblocks left to right the louder sound swapped too. The left channel is now lower in volume. Any ideas on what goes wrong with a monoblock to reduce the output. The amp plays, it is just lower in output than the other amp?

The Bal/SE switches should be checked, however, interconnects and other components will not be the problem. Since the reduced sound moves as the amp is moved, it can only be the amp.
After reading Tls49's response, I think I may have missed something.

"Swapping the monoblocks left to right the louder sound swapped too. The left channel is now lower in volume."

Did you actually swap the amps so that the IC's going from the preamp to amp remained connected to the same channel, or did you just swap the IC's? If its the former, then Tls49 is right. Disregard everything in my 1st post except the part about the Balanced/SE switches.
Having had those monoblocks before, and dealing with Cary service before, you might find they'd say that one or both amps need to be re-biased.
I will contact Cary Monday and arrange to send them both amps for a 'check-up'...

I repalced the Cary's temporarily with a stereo SS amp and all is good now, images are centered correctly; definitely something going on with the Cary's...
Foster_9, curious what did you find to replace the Cary's? I am driving Magnepan 20.7's and need all the power I can get!