lp12 300b phono stage help

hello all,
i am a record geek. i don't ever listen to cds, i just don't. currently i'm using a phonomena with my lp12 ittock and asl 300b integrated. i like the sound immensely but am certain that i can do better. oh and every thing is coming out of moth audio cicada speakers and all cabling is cardas. i want to keep the speakers, i love my turntable, and i love my amp. basically i need someone to steer me into a great phono stage and possible cartridge match up. i've read reviews and read the posts and searched the world but i cant make up my mind.
things i enjoy from the current rig are: lovely vocals, dynamics, detail, air, and bass. i want more of it all.so what do you think? can i do better, is there a magic missing ingredient? any match ups or first hand advice with similar set ups is greatly appreciated.
i forgot to mention that i am using a benz micro ace medium output cartridge now.
lovely vocals, dynamics, detail, air, and bass. i want more of it all

As presented, there seem two hardware solutions:
*A better phono stage -- an expensive proposition UNLESS you go diy (or find someone to build one for you from a kit)
*Tweaking the input stage & volume pot in the Asl. Maybe s/one has tweaked your 300B -- or the company itself can propose something.

Otherwise, changing your cartridge, another (expensive) option, may not yield all its potential.
I'd recommend a Shelter 501 MkII and a nice tube phono stage with over 65db of gain capability. This will complement your SET/single driver combo very nicely.

Perhaps an EAR 834P or something around that quality level would be good.
thanks everybody,
so far i still haven't narrowed it down. one great thing about the 834p is the volume control, see, i want ultimately to eliminate the pre section of the amp and go direct through the phono stage. maybe there are others out there with volume control? i haven't seen many.
the shelter cartridge looks nice. and great reviews too. i wish i could get a hold of like 10 cartridges and then make a choice. but so far i have not found anyone to loan me a box of cartridges.