ls FM radio even listenable any more?

Sam here and fm radio for me has been unlistenable since maybe 1995 

l found an independent radio station out of toronto canada that plays 24/7 1st press commercial free vinyl and the sound is outstanding vinyl voyage radio  monday is 24 hours of 80's
millercarbon here and for me it would seem you have answered your own (rhetorical) question yet again. Sort of. You kind of left us dangling there without the period. 24 hours of 80's.... what?

That last sentence by the way, the one without a period (the second one not the first) is a run-on. Probably supposed to be two sentences. If you put a period after "outstanding" and capitalized "Vinyl" we could be sure.

For me some posts are unreadable since maybe, well you get the idea.

Will here.

24 hours of 80's show tunes? Please be show tunes, please be show tunes... that would be totally awesome!
Greg here and I listen to the NPR station from Seattle all day every work day and it sounds fantastic.