The used shop in question has several (4-6) pairs of LS3/5A and the prices vary as stated above. Is there something that I should look for when buying these speakers. I am in Hong Kong, and the shop in question is not the type to give a refund after you part with your money. I think they will hook it up to a system to show that sound comes out and that's it. Some of the speakers have newer looking mid-drivers, and some of them...well...just look a little older with the grills off. Just wondering if you have an opinion on this cuz you guys seem to be LS3/5a vets.
Could you please tell me what my amp will do if asked for 15 ohms as opposed to 8 ohms? Be louder or quieter.
Previous speakers I have owned with this combo were the proac 2.5 and the JM mini utopias. I liked the smoother vocals and deeper soundstaging of the proacs and the way the cymbals sounded with the JMs. How will the Spendors compare in soundstaging, smoothness in vocals, and cymbal sparkle? I am assuming that the Spendors will reach the same volume of the as the proacs. Please tell me if this is not right.