Lumen streamer operation question

I am currently using a Lumen U2-mini with a Chord Qtest DAC, with Qobuz as my music source. My procedure is as follows:

1. Go to the Qobuz site on my computer, sign in and go to their web player and   create a playlist picking my favorite song from each of their albums. The music is then automatically transferred to  Lumen on my i pad. Not really automatic, my dealer set this up for me when I purchased the streamer from him.  When I go to my i pad to listen to a playlist I click on the icon for Qobuz on the Lumen site and I am able to listen to my playlists. The problem I am having is that assume I have 20 songs on a playlist. Cannot get the songs to play one after another. My dealer does not have an answer for me. What I have to do is to have the i pad next to me the pick the next song to listen to. Anyway that I can automatically play one song after another?  Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.



I have tried all that has been suggested to get Lumin to work. I am con fused with the suggestions concerning arrows etc.  Would it be possible to leave my number or I would be happy to call someone when I have my ipad in front of me and perhaps they can walk me through it. Would anybody have a customer service number of Lumin?  Thanks. 

The lack of personal customer service is very frustrating.

Say you want to play a particular album.  Search the artists name, and when a list comes up, choose the albums, not the artist icon.  Once you decide on an album, place your finger on that album and hold it there until a popup comes up.  Choose the first icon with the arrow at the top and lines beneath it.  You should then get a kist of the songs on that album, and it should start playithe first song in the list.  Y an either listen to the songs in that order,or hit the shuffle icon and it will shuffle them.   Voila!