Lumin T2 burn in time?

Hi, I just got a Lumin T2 streamer 3 days ago, and have been playing it continuously for 3 days.   So far I think the sound is pretty good.  Great details with excellent spaciousness.   However, I find the bass to be a little bit thin.   I'm comparing this to my current Cambridge Audio 851N streamer.   The Lumin is 3x the price of the 851N.

My question for you Lumin owners - how long of a burn in period are you giving your streamer/dac before it reaches its optimal sound?  and do you think the bass will improve with the burn in?   

Overall I do like the sound, but if the bass department doesn't improve, it would be a show stopper for me.   Another thing I wished I had known before purchasing this unit is the lack of remote control.   The Lumin App is not bad, but the lack of basic control via an infrared remote is a real bummer.    I'm not looking for full fledged feature set from a remote, just basic rewind, forward, start, and stop.   It saves me the hassle of opening my phone every time to perform these simple tasks.   

Anyway thanks in advance!

Hey @edin123 check out one of my last posts in this thread.   The Lumin T2 did sound better after some initial burn in and the bass had improved.   I think the Lumin crew recommended at least 200 hours of burn in.  I also added a sBooster power supply later on, and it seems to improve the bass further, but not drastically though.

Overall I'm very happy with the Lumin T2.  I'm now waiting to see if Lumin will be updating their flagship DAC X1, perhaps a X2, in the near future.   When that happens, I will consider upgrading my T2 to the latest and greatest model.

Agree with the above.  I initially thought I made a mistake buying the T2 2 years ago.  Although detailed, It sounded a little bright with thin bass.  After a couple of months it smoothed out and gives me great sound.  I am very happy with it.  I also want to eventually upgrade to the X1, or the X2, whenever that may be announced.

Thanks for your feedback, guys.

I have a pair of B&W 803D3 and a Accuphase E-480 Amplifier which both are on the analytic side of the sound spectrum. So I was not sure, if with the Lumin T2 it would be too analytic, too sharp and cool.

But it gives me hope. :-) 

I'm burnin in the Lumin for two days now and think, that it opened up already a little bit in the bass.

And maybe, I have to optimized the system with the XLR and LS cables, too get the final percents of warmth in it.

For your info: The T2 definitely got the warmth and powerful bass that I missed in the beginning. After 2 days of burning in I can hear a big difference!

Two days ago, before the T2 was burnt in, my old Cambridge 851N sounded a lot warmer than the Lumin.

Now when I compare them, the timbre of the Lumin is now even warmer than the 851N. Crazy, I didn't believe that it would make such a difference.

Lumin should write that on the box! ;-)

Great.  I'm glad you're liking it!   The Lumin T2 is definitely a great product!  I recently upgraded my cable from my T2 to my preamp and also from preamp to power amp, and it hugely improved the bass.  I'm now a happy camper.

Enjoy you Lumin T2!