@mclinnguy I would not go as far as to call it a throw away. Aurender actually includes a somewhat decent USB cable that doesn’t do much harm. It doesn’t offend. Is it the last word in refinement, noise floor and extension? No.
But I’d say it’s sufficient to hold over until a better cable can be obtained.
Which kind of does make it a throw away now that I just said all that. Lol
I’ve also been running a stock power cord on the N200. Being as OCD as I am about all this, I got an AQ Tornado for the N200 to match the Diamond.
So before the Tornado, initial impressions after about 20hrs of break in on the Dianond….lower noise floor, fuller more luscious mids, bass was lean and loose in the first few hours but rebounded nicely and is weighty and fast, highs are sweet and more natural than the stock cable. I do think it’s got ways to go though so I will give it the full 200hrs to come up with final thoughts. So far the upgrade is worth it.