Luxman 509x or Simaudio 600iV2 with mágico A3.

Hi, I would like to hear from owners and members who owned A3 what is their experience on the right amplifier search.




I haven't heard Luxman and Moon with Magico - though I have listened to them through Wilson.

I've been impressed with both.  My perception is Luxman has slight warmth compared to Moon.  

If I was you, I'd try to get an in home trial because I think the differences are preferences not quality and reliability.

Both amps are excellent.

You are right the 509x fil the drivers with a wider stage.

Moon still musical and warm but with a more dead background and more information.

Both amps work great now it is a matter of personal preference that I need a few hours of audition.

the krell or coda gear are both ideal the

Magicos benefit from a warm amplifier,


the coda csib sounded better then the Luxman and Hegel we had all three some years back the csib had the widest soundstage of the three.


Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ