Responses from overthemoon
Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ? And don't forget Linn and Rega...they are Scottish | |
Moon 390 Network Streamer There is a significant difference between the M400s and 860Av2. The space between notes is extremely apparent. I personally would step up the model line since the cost is still the same. I’d even consider see if there are 860Av2 available and th... | |
Moon 390 Network Streamer @singere I owned the M400s -I loved them. I'd recommend them in a heart beat. Prior to the M400s I was using McIntosh MC-302 (300 watt/ch) and considering upgrading to the MC-462 (450 watt/ch). I listened to the 330a and I preferred them to the... | |
Moon 390 Network Streamer @singere There's a program called "Over the Moon' where you can purchase your first moon gear and get 100% on trade in 12 months or 75% in 24 months if you upgrade in the product line. I'd strongly consider verifying it still exists and purchase ... | |
Shunyata Gemini or Hydra Delta D6 & What XC cable I have the Hydra and use Alpha v2 XC and NR cables. I upgraded from Venom series. I found an immediate impact when I tried the Venom distributor and cables and there was a distinct step up with the Hydra and Alpha series. Unfortunately, I don't... | |
Phono preamp upgrade price/performance Can you audition phono preamps you are interested in. If I was you, my question is effectively what preamps may result in me listening to more music or enjoying it more than your Arcsm. There are a lot of awesome ~$500 phono preamps. | |
At the top of the line is it really all that different? @mdalton well said. And one reason I enjoy experiencing other folks systems. | |
At the top of the line is it really all that different? In my experience yes. But I don't always need to be listening to a high end system to enjoy music. Let me explain - I have experienced significant upgrades in my system over the years. I notice them and enjoy them. And I've listened to music a... | |
Digital Advice I would recommend Node - my rationale is it’s a streamer/DAC. You could connect your Mac to it and I found streaming to be a lot more convenient that sifting through my computer for files. I also prefer streaming DAC for simplicity. | |
Moon 390 Network Streamer The 860A V2 is a significant leap. More dynamics and finesse simultaneously. The increased ability to control of the speakers is noticeable. The biggest surprise for me was the 860A v2 never gets hot, it keeps control of the speakers. I've nev... | |
What does your Virtual System page say about you? Mine order is influenced by timing of system upgrades. I originally put it in order of stuff starting at the top of my rack going down then out😀 | |
MissingCDs and records I agree with you- the reason I tried Roon was the meta data that’s a little like reading liner notes. Heal well and continue to find enjoyment | |
Is it O.K. To Speculate Re: Company Stability Here? This is a forum - you can share your an opinion. And someone can respond with theirs. I personally wouldn’t spread anything about a company without first hand experience. Simaudio appears to be doing very well in spite of the loss of one of th... | |
got my PayPal 1099 /// what now? I sold some items on eBay this year and received the 1099K. I have the receipts and shared both with my tax person. I expect the IRS was concerned about losing revenue and refined reporting requirements for cash applications and resale sites t... | |
Wilson Watt Puppies 50th year Anniversary model I’ve heard the new ones on several systems- Moon and Boulder. It’s the first Wilson Speaker I’ve lusted after;) |