Luxman Integrated?

I recently listened to a Luxman integrated and was quite impressed with the liquidity of the sound of the amp.  Does anyone else have experience with these amps?   I currently have all separates and a tube amp but thinking of scaling down a bit.
I have been using two Lux CL-32 pre-amps since the 1970's.  One just failed and I am going to pay to get it fixed.  NOT the best pre-amp in the world, but seems to be OK for my casual listening.  AND, they have lasted over 40 years each until now, so...
I have owned several Luxman integrated amps.  Great build quality and excellent value with many features built in.  Builder3 has my old amp!

I have moved up to food chain, but if I had to do it all over, the Luxman would have been my last integrated. 
It's now running a new turntable, too greg. Bought the new rig from MoFi, it's superb. Not the big money that some folks spend, but I'm impressed.