Lyra Delos 'belly cover'

For a lack of a better description or name the 'U' shaped piece of material? / plastic? on the underside of my Lyra Delos cartridge is starting to fray. This cover is behind the boron whisker cantilever and covers the area where the 4 wires pass from the cart to the tonearm connector interface. So, the question is....I am debating removing this cover because it is starting to drag on my LP's. (other nude cartridges don't utilize the 'belly cover'.) Bad idea? Any thoughts on how to proceed in its removal? Thank You in Advance!!
I don't where you got your cart, but if it came with the manual, as it should, it clearly states it's washi paper, it's there for a reason, and it is NOT to be removed as removing it will void warranty. need to send Alasdair from Audioquest, (the
Lyra distributor) an email and tell him what is going on. He
will send all the info that you need to get this fixed.
Dear Quincy....apologies in advance for such an obvious question but have you checked that the washi paper is frayed and not embellished with "white" lint?
When this happens (occasionally) with my Delos I usually just tear off a strip of kitchen roll and use the "hairy" edge to gently "comb" the lint off without disturbing the washi paper. A carbon fibre brush is too much of a lethal weapon! ;^)

If it is indeed frayed, were you getting feedback from the washi paper's contact with the disc surface during the fraying process?
If so, the reason should be investigated i.e. check VTF is within proscribed range then check the angle of the cantilever to front face is 90 degrees when actually playing an LP?
If you can achieve this and find you are still not getting surface clearance then VTA comes into question(?)
Hope this helps.
Hello fellow audio enthusiasts. I did purchase the cartridge brand new from the Needle Doctor. The box and other instructions are packed away in the basement. I did receive a reply from Lyra, and yes it is Washi paper used as a dust cover for the underside of the cartridge. It is NOT to be removed. And yes, it seems to pick up dust on its own due to (my best guess) static charges between the LP. (this is a low riding cartridge by design.) If I elect, Lyra will send the cartridge back to Japan and have new paper installed. I am going to take a much closer look under magnification and with a mirror later. Moonglum may be on to something. I'll post back with any new discoveries. I may also try some tweezers.....still debating this approach.
Dear Quincy,
A quick health warning to save you further grief : please ensure the tweezers are non-magnetic. The magnet inside your cartridge is very powerful as is the tonearm's frictionless reaction. Once they get within an inch or so of the cart it can literally leap towards the tweezers too fast for you to prevent damage to the cantilever. :O

If they were supplied with the cart or tonearm they'll be ok. ;^)
All the best,