This is not an easy question to answer, and the topic comes up quite frequently.
For every person who sets their rig up well, there are 20 who don’t. I frequently tell my customers that I know of only a handful (if that) of individuals whom I would trust an assessment of a cartridge based on their setup.
Fine errors in azimuth adjustment will turn a detailed but balanced cartridge (any Lyra) into an intolerable, shrill beast. And no, a vacuum tube phono stage will not cure this. If it's poorly designed (slew rate) it might actually exacerbate the problem.
Sorry, but that’s the reality and I suspect the primary reason for the existence lush cartridges.
Having said that, it may be asking too much of individuals to set their cartridges up with USB ’scopes and software like the Feickert or AnalogMagik, so there’s clearly a place in the world for Koetsus and such (and I’m happy to sell you one if I think it’s a good match for you, your setup cabpabilities, and your system).
Several years ago, I covered this topic over here: Are Lyras Bright Cartridges
... Thom @ Galibier