Lyra Etna Versus Kleos


I am considering upgrading from a Lyra Delos to a Kleo or Etna.

I have all ARC Reference gear, Vandersteen Treo speakers and Kuzma Reference table with 4 Point arm.

Has anyone had experience with the Kleos in comparison to the Etna? Is Kleos a step up from the Delos or not? Is the Etna a big improvement over the Delos?



I have 3 carts all Lyra. An Atlas, Etna and a mono Kleos. My fav, not necessarily the best, is the Etna. Between the Etna and the Kleos there is, IMHO, no comparison. The Etna is miles ahead provided the rest of the gear is in the same league. I believe the Etna will be an excellent choice in your system

Thank you for your input.

If anyone else has any thoughts it would be much appreciated. Any other Etna users out there? Anyone else that has heard it ?

Any others cartridges that reach its performance at a more reasonable price?

I listen primarily to classical piano,string quartets, and various chamber music. Some opera and jazz.

What I am after is a cartridge that will provide the best resolution, allowing me to follow the interplay of each individual instrument with life like imaging and tone.

Thanks Again,

P. Smith
Have among others an Atlas and an Etna.  If your goal is resolution then the Atlas should be your choice it really gets every note out of the grooves.  The Etna I would clarify as extremely easy to listen to it has a great musical flow.

Realize the is quite a bit more, but given what your after it may be worth the extra expense.

Good Listening


Dear sunnyboy1956: I own the Kleos and heard bis a bis the Etna and agree with you the Etna is a better cartridge, where I disagree with you is when you say: " there is no comparison in between " because through my experiences are not so faraway one of the other.  My Kleos ia the stereo version I don't own the mono one like you.

Now, any one that has the money and analog rig for these cartridges the choice as you say is the Etna.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Continuing the discussion, any comments on what is better at detail retrieval? 

Is the Etna better at detail retrieval than the Kleos?

Peter suggested the Atlas, but that is above my budget. I am being offered a new Kleos for $3000 or the Etna for $7000.

I am seriously considering buying the Etna now at $7000. I figure I will want to upgrade from the $3000 Kleos in two or three years, when who knows what the price will be for the Etna will be then.


P. Smith