Lyra Helikon vs Skala

Hey guys,

I know the Skala is a newer generation in design and I've heard its a little warmer. Is it worth the extra $$.

I have a Sota Star Sapphire III and SME IV.Vi with a PS Audio GCPH phono preamp. Revel Gem speakers and B15 sub with a Krell amp. The arm is brand new and hoping it will last me a long long time. The table I just got used and will probably upgrade in a couple years.

Agree with Syntax, that phono stage is not in the ballpark with the rest of your gear.
had the helikon sl and upgraded to the skala on a Sota Nova vacuum with SME V arm. The skala is a better cartridge in every department.

I had the underwood hifi modded ps gcph and the combo was very good with the above, but upgraded to the aesthetix rhea and it blew the gcph away.

one more note, i run the skala at 500 or 1k instead of 47k like they spec. Much better at these settings.

Never compared Skala to Helicon in the same system, but Skala is a superb cartridge and worthy of world's best system. However, Skala does require more effort to optimized, extremely sensitive to any changes.

I run my Skala to Einstein turntable's choice, one of the world's best phono stage out there, I have one for sale on Audiogon.
Dear Russ: Which cartridge do you own? why asking on specific to those Lyra cartridges? which ones are your music/sound priorities? what are you looking for against what you own today?

Regards and enjoy the music,