

Responses from lloydc

Speaker Jumper/Link Cables - Best Ones? Nordost Valhalla, Tara Labs Omega Evolution OR..
"Warm" jumpers to ...tweeters?   You might want to  focus on the frequencies those jumpers are carrying.   
New Amp Advice
The incremental improvement possible over the Mich is very, very small ( unless you move to tubes) and it can control every speaker you might desire - they don't get much better.  There is considerable room for improvement to your speakers, turnta... 
Qualified service technicians disappearing! Recommendations wanted
It kind of negates efforts to buy "made in USA" if it's no more easily repaired than that.    
What contributes most to a change in how an amplifier sounds?
All of it contributes.  The weight of an amp is its most important spec.  
In the sand box
I had a Bright Star sandbox.  It degraded the sound of my tube amp, and did not help the turntable,    
Accuphase class A amps - going up the food chain from an A-48 to an A-80 or A-300?
@Toronto416, thanks for the heads-up!  
Isolation transformer question
@ steakster, you are fortunate.  It is my understanding that the larger the iso transformer, the more likely it is to hum.  IME, there is always some hum on very large whole-house transformers, but they are located outside or in their own room, fa... 
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread
    I too had reliability problems with some 12ax7 Psvanne tubes, which failed quickly, several years ago, so I swore off them, but I might try an improved design.   I could use “phono quality” 12ax7’s, for a phono preamp.  The only way I know to... 
Isolation transformer question
You need to know that isolation transformers hum. I threw out a 2kv Soundtrapper isolation transformer because the noise of the hum more than counter-acted any perceived benefit to the electronics’ noise floor  
Check This Out!
"The result is truly liberating: the Galle DAC simply exists." That's reassuring.  I was thinking "this cannot be real."  
Do other DACs do this? Auralic Vega
I have one, it doesn’t do that.   
Record cleaning and realistic expectations
Some cleaning regimens are obsessed with the rinse cycle, advocating distilled water only.  I use a VPI HW-17.  The vacuum removes whatever liquid is on the record.  Is there any reason to believe ethanol in the rinse would leave a residue?  It is... 
One-stop solution for vacuum record cleaner?
@audiodwebe, looking at some of my old threads - I did take your advice and ordered L'Art Du Son.   
I’m confused. Please explain.
I more or less agree with @stuartk, so I should add that no system can fully reproduce the rich tone of fine instruments. But I think sounding “real” is the most basic requirement for a high end system, because I know what real sounds like, and eu... 
I’m confused. Please explain.
I’ve played a classical guitar for a long time, and listened to many.  I know what they sound like, and in different rooms and venues.  As far as I’m concerned, a system that can’t get a guitar to sound real must be all wrong. If you are familiar...