Mac 402 or 501 for B&W 802D?

I'm now firmly set on purchasing B&W 802D (a friend upgrades to the new Diamond model and sells his pair for a good price) so the question is - how better Mcintosh 501 monoblocks are with 802 compared to Mac 402? Nearly twice the price where I live - is it as better or the law of diminishing results kicks in big time here?
A friend of mine has the 802D's and made the progression from 402 to 501 monos to 1.2Kw monos. He felt that the move from the 402 to the 501 was a huge improvement, but that they really only came into their own with the 1.2KW monos. They really take a lot of $$$ to sound their best. There are definitely a lot of other options, IMHO, that will outperform the 802D's and require a lot less dollars spent on amplification to bring out their best qualities. With that said, if you're totally sold on the 802D's, be prepared to shell out some coin if you really want to hear everything they can do. The best I've heard the 802D's was in my friend's system with the 1.2KW's, but they still didn't float my boat. To each his own.
Why so much power? How large is the listening room? I have the same speakers and find they are satisfactorily driven by my Cary 7B cinema amp with 100w, although most of the time I use my Krell 400xi with 200. My room is 14 X26 sitting at 9' I wonder if I am missing something or the whole power thing is a little out of control.
Stl114_nj, his room is open to a fairly large area and he does enjoy really cranking them up at times. But, in my opinion, you're not seeing at all that these speakers can do unless you hit them with some very serious power. You can never go wrong with a lot of power and that statement is even more applicable to B&W 800 series. Although I can't say about the brand new 800 Diamond as I have no experience with those yet.

BW has always loved lots of watts and always will.

Control is the issue. More watts... more control. Control of the drivers sure is beneficial in music re-creation.

501s .... that was easy.

They're sexy looking but there are better for the $$$ out there if you look around and set aside for a bit, your current designs. Listening honestly is key.